Thursday 24 September 2015

my first  horror movie.... Lights out.
The idea come to me about two years ago. I was just thinking about story's and such  and what  i  could  film, I don't like watching horror movies but! i really enjoy making them with  filming and editing. The basic plot for Lights out is that  a few friends have a party. The owners of the house walk into there flat and they notice a hand on the wall saying "get out" they clan it up  and think nothing of it. a few hours into  the day and there friends come round to party, one of the flat owners gose missing but no one hears the door open  or a window open the party stops. the rest  of  the people with  in the  flat look  for there missing friend only to find they  them  there self's ant safe this thing is slowing picking them off one by one but it docent kill one. It takes over there body and uses there body against there friends.  

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